Undergraduate Computer Science student at The University of Manitoba
Simulating Infrastructure to Vehicle Communication
The main goal of this project is simulating the rerouting of emergency vehicles bsaed on information provided by Infrstructure to Vehicle communication present in an Intelligent Traffic System. Since the scope of my project has to be narrowed to a semester of research and development, I am making the asumption that these communication pathways are present, and thus, am not concerned with the details of communication protocols. However, there are some constraints that I wish to place on the constructed simulations: The radius of the infrastructure to vehicle communications should be limited. There are limitations that would be placed upon a real system, so I wish to recreate this as well. I wish to use SUMO detectors to simulate these road-side units. They can be used to alert emergency vehicles of traffic conditions within their effective communication radius. Once this can be replciated effeectively, perhaps some attention can be paid to optimal placement of roadside units to ensure reliability and low latency communication, but by minimzing the number of needed road-side units, depending on different effective communication radiuses.