Traffic Simulation with SUMO


YouTube Tutorial 20 Dec 2018 I have created a tutorial of how to interface SUMO with TraCI using Python and uploaded it to youtube. The tutorial assumes that you have a working installation of SUMO...
Collaborative Model 11 Nov 2018 I believe that I now have a sufficient understanding of the SUMO modules and the TraCI API that I can now begin to build a specific scenario, containing detectors, emergency...
Implementation of Vehicle Re-routing 06 Nov 2018 In the last post I mentioned the TraCI commands that woudl be useful for rerouting of emergency vehicles. I decided to make a simple network in NETEDIT and then added...
Using TraCI to Reroute Vehicles 30 Oct 2018 An important aspect of an intelligent transportatin system with infrastructure to vehichle communication would be the ability for emergency vehicles to recieve information about potential blockages on it’s current route...
Simulating Infrastructure to Vehicle Communication 24 Oct 2018 The main goal of this project is simulating the rerouting of emergency vehicles bsaed on information provided by Infrstructure to Vehicle communication present in an Intelligent Traffic System. Since the...
Yielding to Emergency Vehicles 18 Oct 2018 A potential solution is to use detectors in combination with TraCI to force passenger vehciles to change lanes when an EV is approaching. This is through the use of a...
Overtaking By Emergency Vehicles 16 Oct 2018 I have managed to improve the behaviour of emergency vehicles when there are multiple lanes available for one direction of travel. This was accomplished by increasing the speed factor of...
Dynamic Traffic Lights 10 Oct 2018 Although my last post regarding speedmode seems like a good bet for emergency vehicles I decided to take a look at the other solution of dynamically changing traffic lights as...
TraCI SpeedMode 05 Oct 2018 The main reason for getting to know how to use TraCI was this line in the SUMO docs: To force collisions at a set time, TraCI must be used. Besides...
TraCI 04 Oct 2018 I decided to look further into the second approach to solving the red light problem for emergency vehicles: forcing a vehicle to ignore traffic rules. The only way I came...
Emergency Vehicle @ Red Lights 03 Oct 2018 Another important behaviour exhibited by emergency vehicles is their ability to blow red lights. Since there is minimal built in support for emergency vehicles in SUMO, this behaviour will have...
Emergency Vehicle Modelling 01 Oct 2018 I came across a vehicle attribute which may be useful when modelling emergency vehicles. Vehicles in SUMO are, under normal circumstances, forbidden from passing a vehicle on the right. There...
Emergency Vehicles 30 Sep 2018 While taking a break from researching ways to model trains, I decided to take a look at the other large component of this project; modelling of emergency vehicles in SUMO....
Railway Crossings 25 Sep 2018 Now that I have found ways to simulate traffic flows. The next step is to find a way to simulate rail crossings. Unfortunately this is where SUMO falls short. From...
Simulating Traffic Volume 24 Sep 2018 For modelling traffic realistically, manually adding routes, or using the script is not terribly useful. What we really want to do is model traffic flow. This is done in...
Working with NETEDIT 20 Sep 2018 After manually creating a network in SUMO’s xml configuration files, I installed a GUI network tool that was created specifically for SUMO calle NETEDIT. This allows you to quickly create...
OpenStreetMap and SUMO 17 Sep 2018 In the past 2 days I messed around with some different parameters in the config files of my manually configured simulation. I also successfully imported a section of Winnipeg from...
Getting started with SUMO 16 Sep 2018 Today I installed SUMO on both of my machines. I manually created a very small network and a simple configuration file for teh actual simulation with 2 vehicles. In the...
Proposal 08 Sep 2018 My submitted proposal for COMP4560
Welcome! 07 Sep 2018 Welcome to my site! I will be posting updates on the progress of my project here.